Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Fishing Info

About Outdoor Obsession Guide Service

Where does Outdoor Obsession Guide Service fish?

We fish the Coos Bay, OR area, including Pacific Ocean, Coos Bay.

What are the target fish?

Target fish include Chinook Salmon (Also Called King Salmon, Quinnat Salmon, Spring Salmon, Tyee Salmon, Kippered Salmon), Steelhead Trout (Also Called ), Coho Salmon  (Also Called Hooknose, Silver Salmon, Silvers  )

Where in Coos Bay, OR to we meet our guests?

We meet at Gold Beach ( Gold Beach, OR 97444, USA )

Do I need a STATE Fishing license?

Yes, a Fishing license is required

Where do I get a STATE Fishing license?

An Oregon fishing license is required for anyone aged 12 year or older. All anglers (regardless of age) need a valid angling tag and must follow regulations on recording harvest. All anglers, regardless of age, must have in possession a valid Columbia River Basin Endorsement when angling for salmon, steelhead and sturgeon in the mainstem Columbia River, and in all rivers and their tributaries that flow into the Columbia River. Please visit the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife website for more information and to purchase your license.

How much should I Tip?

It is customary to tip 20% of the trip total. We work tirelessly to make sure you have a guest experience!

Do I need to bring my own gear?

No, we provide standard gear such as rods and reels so you don’t need to worry about anything. But please feel free to bring you own gear if you prefer.